Black spots
in the skin due to sunburn or pollution - these problems can be easily removed.
However, if there is any skin problem or skin diseases,
specialist consultation should be taken. But not even the established
established methods.
According to the report published on a website on the basis
of Rupparchaksha, some of the common and established solutions to the problem
of skin problems have been reported.
'Pigmentation' or black skin: The solution to the skin is
not easy, but the procedure is simple. And that's a punch.
Lactic acid is very useful in removing the skin of the skin.
Skin of dark skin should keep the tip of the skin in 20 minutes. Then it will
be washed with ordinary water. Continuous 15 days to follow this procedure.
Rough Skin: The peanut shell that we usually throw away can
be a 'super-medicine' for the skin.
The walnut shells should be mixed with Papaya and lemon
juice. If this mixture is used as a scrubber on the skin then the dead skin
will be removed. The skin is one of the reasons to look rough because of these
dead cells or dead skin.
Wallets, zinc, iron and omega three fatty acids help keep
skin's flexibility. It is useful to eat four to six walnuts every day for
healthy skin.
Sunburn: There is no way to avoid sunburn in the hot days.
Therefore, to remove sunlight, one table-spoon juice of juice, mixed with one
table-spoon lemon juice and one table-spoon rose water together will help to
absorb regular skin.
Dry Skin: Combining Coconut Oil as Skin Moisturizer. This
oil can rub on your face and neck. The oil can heat up the yolk. And I have to
keep it all night long. With sugar as a scrubber can mix.
The 'phenolic' ingredients in coconut oil will bring
brightness through the supply of essential fatty acids on the skin.
Oily skin: One tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with two
tablespoons of water will be on the skin. After seven to 10 minutes, the yolk
should be washed with hot water.
Acne: To make smooth paste by mixing the powder of the
yellow and rose water together. Keeping the acne in the affected place for 15
minutes will be washed.
There are germs of bacteriological properties in yellow. The
pink skin keeps the skin cool. However, the use of this mixture cannot be used
until after six hours.
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