students can become very difficult and annoying. Boring lectures and
city-quizzes in the classroom can sometimes require something new in life. So,
in some cases class action activism, as well as some other activities are also
needed in life.
class system in our country, which is meant to be - Team Exercise, Assignment
or Class Project etc. The thing that we do not think of, is that all of these
processes we have come from school college life, so these people cannot excite
us. So, we need to come up with a new type of activities, which will really
appeal to us. Some of these activities are seen today
1. 1. Open-End Questions
There are
many questions that can be asked - on any topic, which is able to reach more
than one destination. Such questions are open-ended questions. There are many
places to open and ask for a lecture. For example - there may be more than one
discussion starting from different open-ended questions about which parts of
the course are more difficult, what can be improved with things. And any
discussion is interactively good for learning
2. Find out wrong
lectures are analyzed in different areas, different examples are given. Various
analysis may have different meanings, and all means that there is no such thing
as right. Therefore, if a student's error is wrong or if he has given an
incorrect example, it may be a very interesting job to decide what to do, and
to discuss the exact example. Everyone can take part in this work, because
there is no such thing as always a person's analysis. If you give each error,
learning will be joyful and classes will be interactive.
3. Make the opportunity to talk to everyone
Lectures can
be the reason for not being equally attractive to everyone - it is not that
everyone can participate in the same class. And those who take part in class,
they can only learn something really. If everyone gives an opportunity to share
opinions on any topic, it may be one of the most important interactive tasks
for students in the classroom. Everyone has a personal opinion, and his own
opinion will never match everyone. If everyone has the opportunity to express
their opinion, then there may come a number of new dimensions in the class,
which is not possible in the general class. And this thing can change the
movements of any lecture. Letting everyone have the opportunity to speak, it seems a little
difficult in our perspective but it is possible to try it as well. Only if an
instructor has given such 'Mike Pass', and all students get 5 minutes time,
then many important opinions are coming out. If this thing is introduced in one
of the five lecture classes, then the class speed will increase a lot, and the
learning range will be much bigger, classes will be interactive.
4. Use of technology in the class
One of the
main trends in our country is to not allow anyone in the class to use mobile or
laptop. Although the matter is not wrong for the school college level, and
running Facebook in the class is also a very inappropriate thing, but in every
class, everyone should have the right to find something on the internet and
Google. Because, different aspects of any lecture can be quickly found in the
nets, clearing small consoles, talking about it or asking questions can be very
important - it can make any lecture interactive. Another great way to use technology in the classroom
is to use YouTube. Visual lessons like YouTube cannot be used in many cases. In
this case, the usage of YouTube will be different, it will also benefit
students understanding.
Many of us cannot
learn properly in university life because of education and later problems. So,
using these methods to make the classes interesting and interactive, what's
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